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Career Development & Trades

Jobs / Apprenticeships


Work Permit for Under 16 Years

Working as a Teen Work Permit Brochure (PDF)

I'm under 16 and I want to work. Do I need a work permit? Yes. A work permit is required by state law for the employment of anyone under 16 years of age at all times. Some occupations are prohibited for minors.

You do not need a work permit to apply for jobs, however if you are under 16 yrs old, you will need a work permit before you begin working. Contact our Registrar, located in the front office, to request a work permit.

Why I Work?

Career Exploration

Unsure of what you might want to do after high school? Career options? Does it involve a degree, a certification, or work experience? Below are two resources to help you explore those options based off your interests.


Take An Interest Inventory

Career Personality Profiler

Truity Career Personality Profiler Test

New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions

NM Careersolutions Work Interest Assessment

My Next Move