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Instructional Council

The Instructional Council will act as the heart of the school to improve the instructional atmosphere for all stakeholders, such as faculty, staff, administration, students and community representatives. The body will collaboratively make meaningful decisions, with open communication, using clear, established protocols.

We will focus our efforts and expertise on collaboratively improving issues related to instruction.


  1. Start promptly
  2. End at the designated time
  3. Respect the agenda
  4. Respect amount of time each person speaks (Watch airtime)
  5. Talk to the point and not to the person (Principles above personality)
  6. Follow rules of process
  7. Respect equity of voice
  8. Raise hand to speak
  9. Limit side-bar conversations
  10. Norms are revisited at the beginning of each meeting

Elected Representatives

We're comprised of one elected representative from each of the following areas:

  • Math Department
  • English Department
  • Social Studies Department
  • Science Department
  • Counseling Department
  • Career and Technical Education Department
  • Modern, Classical, and Native Languages Department
  • Physical Education Department
  • Fine Arts Department
  • Special Education Department (to include OTs, PTs, SWs, and Special Education EAs)
  • Support staff (security, clerical, maintenance, cafeteria, library, and instructional coach)
  • Student Council (11th or 12th grade)
  • Student body (11th or 12 grade)
  • Parent

Plus the following standing positions:

  • Principal (voting member)
  • Curriculum Assistant (non-voting member; a content expert)
  • Instructional Coach (non-voting member; a content expert)