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Student Council

Valley Student Body Officer Team

Student Body officer team
Valley Senate volunteering with Albuquerque Police Department at a children's camp.

Community Service Award given to Valley Senate for volunteering with Albuquerque Police Department at a children's camp.

Valley Senators attending a district Conference

September 2019. Forty-two Valley Senators attending a District Conference at Del Norte HS.

Student Council is a co-curricular activity. The student is enrolled in the Student Leadership class and takes part in Student Senate activities. The student learns about the necessary skills to preform duties in student government. Activities include; community service projects, planning school assemblies, planning school dances, participation in State and National Student Leadership Conferences.

Visit the National Student Council website for more information.

student council

Contact Information

  • Patricia Rivera
    Sponsor / Activities Director

    Phone: ex: 54224

Meeting Times

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays at
  • 7:30 AM in the Lecture Hall.